Category: Indigenous Solidarity

Photo Essay: First Nations Take Their Last March Through Canada’s Dystopian Tar Sands

by Liana Lopez from t.e.j.a.s. (Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services). Reposted from YES! Magazine. The fifth and final Tar Sands Healing Walk took place on June 28 in Fort McMurray, Canada. Hundreds of people joined First Nations leaders in a prayer-filled walk around the refineries and “land reclamation” projects operated by the oil company Syncrude. …

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Owe Aku Sends its Voice to Tar Sands Healing Walk

A message from our allies at Owe Aku of the Lakota Nation On June 28, 2014, Owe Aku (Bring Back the Way), a Lakota (Sioux) organization from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation dedicated to the preservation of SacredWater, stopping the Keystone XL Pipeline and all threats to Mother Earth, demonstrated support for the 5th and …

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No Más Tar Sands! — Healing Begins at the Source

By Bryan Parras, reposted from t.e.j.a.s. (Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services) __________________________________________________________________________________ The Keystone XL pipeline begins in Alberta, Canada and ends in my backyard. Here in Houston’s East End, we’re well acquainted with the risks of living so close to the oil refineries whose toxic emissions poison us every day. Like so many other kids …

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