TranScamada Strikes Again (Day 36)

TransCanada sure does say the darndest things. You just never know what lies they’ll utter next. Here’s today’s oddity from TransCanada’s spokesperson Jim Prescott, when he told the Houston Chronicle’s FuelFix blog:

TransCanada’s Prescott said the company has been open about its plans to move oil sands crude, along with U.S. oil produced from shale, but contended that opponents of Keystone XL have obscured the facts.

Oh, now they admit they’re pumping tar sands (aka “oil sands”) through the pipes. Well, we already knew that.

Too bad this entirely contradicts their previous lies to KTRE (ABC Channel 9) story, dated Aug. 29, in which David Dodson is quoted as saying the pipeline will not carry tar sands:

David Bodson, a spokesman for the TransCanada Gulf Coast Project, says the project is transporting crude oil from Texas and Oklahoma.

“We have permits, and we’re building the pipeline from Cushing, Oklahoma to Nederland, Texas,” said Bodson. Bodson says the company hopes to transport Canadian crude oil, as well, in the future. He says the project does not include tar sands, as the protesters claimed yesterday.

Gee, TransCanada we just don’t know what to believe. Especially when TransCanada’s spokesperson Shawn Howard told the New York Times:

“We have always been up front about the materials that are going into the pipeline.”

Again this is a bald face lie. Should TransCanada ever choose to produce a Material Safety Data Sheet accounting for the chemical contents of its pipeline in compliance with Texas statutory law on “common carrier” status for eminent domain powers, we’ll happily post it on our website for all to see.

In the end TransCanada is lying to someone: the media, landowners, the Texas Rail Road Commission…unfortunately when the toxic spills begin from their pipeline their lies will cost lives.

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