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Exclusive: Newly Released Inspection Reports on Keystone XL’s Southern Route Fuel Doubt Over ‘Safest Pipeline Ever Built’ Claims

By Julie Dermansky • Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Reposted from *** TransCanada’s claim that the southern route of the Keystone XL Pipeline is the safest pipeline ever built in the in the United States is challenged by the release of new documentation confirming multiple code violations. Daily inspection reports on the construction of the …

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What About Keystone South?

 Originally published by Tom Weis on Huffington Post You could feel it in the air during last April’s historic tipi encampment on the National Mall in Washington, DC, and the feeling is even stronger today: “We’ve got this. Keystone North is not going through.” We cannot let up until Keystone North is vanquished, but all …

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Texas Blockader Sues Police over Brutalization Suffered During Peaceful Protest

On Septmeber 25, 2012 Benjamin and Shannon locked themselves to Keystone XL construction machinery outside Winnsboro, Texas and delayed pipeline construction for most of the day. Police began using aggressive pain compliance tactics when a senior TransCanada supervisor arrived and actively encouraged it. Torture tactics included sustained chokeholds, violent arm-twisting, pepper spray, and multiple uses …

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